/ speaking

Mark your calendars

Just so you all know, Your Humble Correspondent (that's me!) will be presenting on SpecFlow at the June 13th meeting of the Chicago Visual Studio ALM User Group.

Meeting details:

  • Date: June 13th, evening (exact times TBA)
  • Location: Chicago Microsoft office, Aon center
  • RSVP for the event here

Special thanks goes out to the group's organizer, Angela Dugan, for allowing me to convince her into letting me give the talk. Angela, I can't guarantee that you won't regret this, but I will guarantee that it'll be memorable! :-) Below is the published description of the talk:

In this talk, we’ll go over what acceptance testing is, when it should be used, and how to add acceptance testing into an existing application using SpecFlow. We’ll also talk a bit about DSLs (domain-specific languages), the pyramid of returns vs. effort when it comes to different types of testing, techniques for authoring and designing tests and bindings, and finally, because this *is* a group about ALM, how to integrate SpecFlow into a CI environment and why you or your organization should do so. If attendees wish to follow the demo on their laptops, they can save time by pre-installing the VS tooling for SpecFlow – http://specflow.org. The download there adds some tooling support within the VS IDE, and is not needed to run SpecFlow.

Josh Elster

Josh Elster

A long-time veteran of the software industry ranging between enterprise architecture to creative site design and many points in-between, each challenge only shows how much there is to learn out there!

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